Things You Might Not Know About Slots

Online casinos, by their very design, look to make money from players. The old adage “the house always wins” has a lot of truth to it, and slot games are the games which are most likely to lead to losses for players.

It’s impossible to stop this from being true, but here are a few inside secrets that software developers don’t want you to know about slot games.

Features and mini games

Most slot players will seek out slot titles with exciting features and mini-games included, entertaining extra games that play out the narrative of the slot and give opportunities to pick up big wins, or do they?

The truth is, these mini games are often little more than distractions, something for a player to focus on triggering so they do not notice the money they lose while trying to trigger it.

It has been revealed by a slot designer that many games will have decided the result of a min-game before you even start it, which takes a lot of the fun out of it.

It is incredibly rare to hit jackpots from mini-games in most cases, so it’s worth being careful and not allow your attention to be taken away from the slot itself.

Close but not quite

We all know the feeling, you spin the reels, and two jackpot symbols come in, you need one more, and it almost comes in, but you just miss it. It’s frustrating, but it means you definitely could drop the jackpot, right?

The truth is, no, not usually. Close calls like this have an impact on your brain, they get the adrenalin going and excite a player, something that has been proven to increase play. But the truth is, a near miss is a loss like any other, and should be treated as such.


Many slot games give you extra control over the reels, Nudge and Hold options are two of the most well-known ways this happens.

However, as is so often the case, this is more of an illusion than anything else. Such options give players the impression that knowing the slot, and developing skill when playing, increases the chances of winning, but in almost every case, this is simply not true.

The same is also true of slots with a Gamble feature, which allows you to gamble a 50/50 chance to double your winnings or lose it all. It’s easy to assume there is strategy to these things, but the truth is there is not. It is always more sensible to take your winnings when you make them.

Low Volatility Slots

Low volatility slots are seen as the safe option by many, slots that pay out regular small amounts to keep you level, even when you’re not winning. However, again, this is often not the case.

Instead these wins will often be less than the bet amount, so despite winning frequently, you will still be losing money.

The truth about slots is a simple one, you will normally lose, so go in with a budget, and never go past it. If you win, great, if not, you’ve lost an amount you can afford, and had fun playing!

Andrew Mills