Spin Fan Casinos

When it comes to developers of online casino games, a little mystery can go a long way, but that is usually in terms of the games released as opposed to information about the actual company.

Spin Fan, however, clearly misunderstood this and went for an approach that is, or was, enigmatic to the point of counter-productive.

It is assumed that Spin Fan are no longer operating within the iGaming world, but there is genuinely no way to be entirely sure, as even when they did operate (if, indeed, they don’t anymore) it was nigh on impossible to find out anything about the company.

This could go a way to explaining why the company is no longer around (unless they are…) as the online gaming world is becoming more focused on transparency from all involved, and such secrecy from a company gives an immediate sense that said company is less than trustworthy, whether this is a fair assumption or not.

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Bragging rights

There are a few Spin fan games still around, and they are very hard to find, which is, oddly, their unique selling point.

The games themselves are about as old fashioned as anything you’ll ever play, having been far surpassed by the world of slots since their release (in many cases, this had happened some time before their release) but there are people out there who collect rare games, and ensure they have played everything, especially those others may not have.

So, if you do happen to find Aero, or Nixterida, or any other Spin Fan game in some far corner of an online casino, it might be worth having a few spins, just so you can show off to your gamer friends that you have, but there’s really no reason other than that to bother tracking them down.

Casino sites with online slots powered by Spin Fan software

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